INP Medical Clinic specialises in all areas of women's health.

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Cervical screening

Recent changes in Aotearoa NZ

Until September 2023, cervical smears have been used as screening test to identify early changes to cells of the cervix, to reduce the risk of cervical cancer developing. Now, women/ people with a cervix will mostly be tested with a swab test from the vagina (self taken or done by a clinician). This tests for the presence of higher risk types of HPV (human papilloma virus) which are the main cause of cervical cancer. Some people may still need a cervical sample taken by a clinician.

How often should I have cervical screening/ HPV tests?

If you are a woman (or born female) aged from 25* and 69 and have been sexually active, you should have regular tests (*Starting age was 20).

Cervical screening is now moving to testing every 5 years (because cervical cancer usually takes many years to develop).

What if I ever had an abnormal result?

It depends what the abnormality is. A few may require further investigation with a specialist (a colposcopy to have a closer look at the cervix). We will discuss your test results so that you have a good understanding of the abnormality and plan for your care.

Where can I go for the test? Will it cost?

You can come to us at INP Medical Clinic, or visit the medical centre that you are registered with.

We can advise of the exact cost. It is FREE for some people and in some instances; e.g., if you need a cervical smear immediately following an HPV swab.

We are always happy to send a copy of your result to your GP. You will be given your result by INP and told when your next test is due.

How is the test done?

HPV Vaginal Swab: can easily be done by you, or the clinician can do it for you. Cervical Smear: The nurse or doctor will gently place a special instrument (speculum)into your vagina to view your cervix. The cervix is gently brushed to obtain surface cells for testing. It takes a few minutes and may be slightly uncomfortable, but not usually painful.

For more information contact us or visit www.timetoscreen.nz

For more information about HPV and smears visit www.hpv.org.nz

Periods, menopause & other hormonal concerns

Hormonal issues affect all ages. Pre-menstrual Syndrome, periods, post-natal depression (and other mental health issues), gender dysphoria and menopause are common concerns that can impact lifestyle.

Some women have period problems from their first period, and others can develop problems over time. Heavy periods may affect iron levels causing fatigue, low mood, affecting general health. For periods that are really painful or heavy or long (affecting school/work/ sport) it is worth seeing the nurses/doctors at INP Medical Clinic to discuss management options. There are treatments for most period concerns and hormonal fluctuations caused by the menstrual cycle.

It is useful to keep a diary or use an app for 3 months, noting period days, and any concerns such as mood changes, bloating, pain, heavy bleeding. Some apps we can recommend are ‘Flo’ and ‘Cycles’.

If you have had a baby and are just not coping, you are not alone. The first step is to tell someone. The management depends on the severity of your experience.

Menopause often causes hormonal fluctuations which impact life. Management might include changes to lifestyle (exercise, stress management, nutrition) and medications. Hormonal treatments work well for many women. There is a specific range of hormonal treatment for menopause, which can be tailored to each woman. Come and see one of INP’s doctors or nurse practitioners to discuss the options.

Some useful links:

Painful/ heavy periods: www.nzendo.org.nz

Postnatal depression: www.pada.nz

Transgender NZ: www.genderminorities.com

Menopause: www.menopause.org.au

Jean Hailes website: www.jeanhailes.org.au/

Breast checks

Breast cancer – what are my chances?

In New Zealand about 1 in 10 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Three quarters of women who get breast cancer are over 50 years of age. Most women who develop breast cancer have no close relatives with the disease.

What can I do?

Know what your breasts are like normally; when washing or dressing. This is more important after the age of 40.

Feel your breasts and look at them in the mirror. Get to know how your breasts change at different times of the month and also as you grow older. If you do feel something in one breast which seems different than usual, check your other breast. If you can feel the same thing in both breasts it is probably normal. If you aren’t sure, contact us at INP or see your doctor.

What am I looking for?

The most common sign of breast cancer is usually a lump, often painless. Many women have lumpy breasts, so it is important for you to know what your breasts usually feel like and be able to recognise any changes. What you are looking for is a lump which has just appeared or stands out from the rest. Other signs: dimpling in the skin of the breast, any change in one nipple, a turned-in nipple, scaly skin around the nipple, a discharge which persists without squeezing.

Where to from here?

We have several ways of checking a breast lump or change. You will probably be referred to a specialist where you may have a mammogram (breast x-ray), but on its own this is not enough to show if the lump is cancer or not. At some stage the lump, or a sample of it, will be removed and tested.

What if it is cancer?

Most women with breast cancer have surgery, but often only part of the breast will be removed. Treatment may also include radiation, chemotherapy (drugs) and hormones. Research shows that good ongoing support is also important for recovery. Nearly all women whose cancers were discovered when small, and have not spread, are alive and well 10 to 20 years after treatment.

What is BreastScreen Aotearoa?

A free national breast x-ray (mammogram) service that helps check early on, to reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer. This programme is offered to all women in New Zealand aged 45 to 69 years who have NO symptoms.

Contact BreastScreen Aotearoa on 0800 270200 or visit www.timetoscreen.nz